
Aust Ch. Santamaria Million Dollar Baby
Sire: Grand Ch Goldtreve Camrose Kyva  Dam: Grand Ch. Santamaria Mandaleh


Hilary is one of Victoria,s most exciting young bitches, stemming from the BEST Australian lines with both parents Grand Champions which is very rare she is already a best in show winner and muliple class in group winner. Afetr a brief spell Hilary will hit the ring in december 2011. First show back Hilary takes Minor in Group under breed speacialist Sandra Patterson and then at her 2nd and last show for t2011, Hilary takes a large Bitch CC and another Minor Puppy in Group award under Geoff Blyth from tasmania. A great way to end the year. Hilary is expected to whelp in Jan 2015 and has been mated to our lovely Canadian/Santamaria combination Game Of thrones.

Pedigree of “Aust Ch. Santamaria Million Dollar Baby”

Parents GrandParents GreatGrandParents

Grand Ch Goldtreve Camrose Kyva      



Grand Ch. Santamaria Mandaleh